27305 W. Live Oak Rd., Castaic, CA 91384
A. To qualify for a business concern status the company must be 51% owned and controlled by applicant business owner (MWBE, DBE, DVBE, WOSB).
A. The Unique Entity ID is a 12-character alphanumeric ID assigned to an entity by SAM.gov replaced by the DUNS Number.
A. Entity registration, searching, and data entry in SAM.gov now requires use of the new Unique Entity ID.
A. You must provide a detailed letter of explanation (DLOE) explaining why the document is not available.
A. You would submit tax returns based on the years of service if LLC or a corporation. If sole proprietor you would submit personal tax returns for 3-5 years.
A. Yes, your documents are stored on our secure encrypted server. Only authorized and cleared personnel are authorized to access these documents.
A. Following the receipt of a "complete application" which is defined as receiving both a fully executed application and all required supporting documentation, can take 2-6 weeks.
A. Make sure you have all your required documents are uploaded to our SMS secure server. Check your email address on file regularly for correspondence from agencies and the certification specialist, as this is one of the main forms of communications from Verifiers. If anyone requests information from you, inform us immediately to avoid your application being placed on hold.