
Women Business Enterprise (WBE)

Must be a small business at least 51% owned and controlled by a woman who is a U.S. citizen; manage day-to-day operations and also make long-term decisions; race, ethniciy, gross receipts, and personal networth not applicable.

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

For-profit and independent business 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens or legal permanent, residents recognized as Black American, Hispanic American, Native American, Asian-Pacific American, Subcontinent Asian American

Small Business

It paves the way for small businesses to bid and win contracts as prime contractors, subcontractors or even as part of a team. SB Prime enables you to compete for certain contracts – up to $5 million – against only small businesses.

Small Business Enterprise (SBE)

Must be independently owned and operated; must have principal office located in home State; and must have officers (in the case of a corporation), managers, or in the absence of officers and/or managers, partners in domiciled in home State.

Disadvantage Business Enterpise (DBE)

Must be a small business owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals; own 51% of the business; be independent and a for profit; and be in control of management and daily business operations.

Women Owned Small Business (WOSB)

The WOSB program is to help provide a level playing field for women business owners and limits competition for certain contracts to WOSBs underrepresented and are economically disadvantaged women-owned small businesses.

Disable Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE)

Veteran of the U.S. military, naval, or air service with a service-connected disability of at least 10%; be 51% owned by one or more disabled veterans; manage and controlled by one or more disabled veterans-veteran who manages the business is not required to be an owner.

Small Local Business

Must be headquartered in Los Angeles County earning less than $3 million (Avg. of 3 yrs. gross receipts, including affiliates); is eligible to competitively bid City procurement contracts less than $100,000 and 15% bid price reduction or preference.

Medium Size Business (MSZ)

A program developed for Medium-Size Business Enterprises opportunities for non-federally funded competitive solicitations from $12 million to $30 million. This program provides Medium-Size Business Enterprises the opportunity to compete with similar size firms.